Saturday, May 14, 2011

The "vomit express"

That is what Alan is calling my Envoy these days!  After our birthday party on Thursday, the kids and I ran a bunch of errands in Peoria and then went to Alyvia's field trip at Rainbow Playground.  Poor Liv had an upset tummy off and on since Wednesday morning, but she seemed fine during the day and wanted to go to her fieldtrip.  We had lots of fun in the beginning!

Alyvia's favorite

Unfortunately, about an hour into the party, Alyvia started feeling terrible.  Her stomach was really upset and she went really pale.  I packed us up quickly and out the door we went.  I got her in the car first, got Colson strapped into his seat and was getting the stroller loaded happened, Livi puked all over.  Poor girl couldn't stop at all.  In true Livi fashion, immediately after she whined "I told you I was sick".  I called my parents and we started to head over there when Alyvia fell into a deep and immediate sleep.  She scared the bejeezus out of me and instead we headed to prompt care.  I was afraid that she was possibly dehydrated from being sick.  Long story short, she was fine and actually asked if we could go to Olive Garden later that night.  I told her no, she was sick and she replied "I'll eat breadsticks, they are healfy".  She cracks me up!  My dad helped me clean up my car a little bit and then we went home-finally.  Alan and I scrubbed the back seat when I got home, but the smell is still lingering-ack!  To add to the smell, while the puking was occuring, she spilled an entire strawberry milkshake.....poor girl, poor mommy's car :(  Oh well, she's better now and that is what is important.  Her daddy stayed home with her Friday to make sure she was o.k.  She's a lucky girl to have a daddy that can take care of her when she's sick and mommy has to work.   Maybe both kids will be healthy next week?  We can only hope!!

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