Saturday, September 28, 2013

Saturdays Without Daddy

Our hubby/daddy is back to busy with harvest in full swing!  So the kids and I are solo the next couple of Saturdays (we are so thankful that they take Sundays off!).  Last Friday and Saturday my mom and I had a garage sale at our house.  We planned it the week before and threw it all together very last minute!

So many kids clothes!  This was after the big sale on Friday!
Sweet Baby Girl was not for sale :)
Friday morning ended up being really good, with steady traffic for close to 2 hours.  My mom even sold 2 (of her 4) couches!  Saturday was less than stellar :(  Thank goodness that Friday was a good day, otherwise it wouldn't have been worth all of the work.  We had some friends stop by while we were selling on Friday, so we had a small playdate!

Colson took Vivienne and Liam cruisin' around the yard in his Gator :)  We went to lunch with Nana after the sale on Saturday and then I took the kids to Avanti's for dinner.  I wish I had thought to snap a couple of pictures.  I got 2 compliments from different older couples about how well behaved our kids are!  They were exceptionally good, and it's so nice to hear recognition for our kids :)
This weekend, we are solo today again.  We decided to head to The Pumpkin Place in Princeville this morning and pick up some fall decorations.

They had a 700 lb pumpkin, but it was rotting and stinky so we didn't get our picture with that one!  While we were pickin' pumpkins, our friend Emma texted and asked if we wanted to picnic this afternoon.  After Baby's nap, we met our friends at Bradley park and had a picnic and played-so fun! 
Colson & Liam
Alyvia waving :)

It was so fun to meet friends on a weekend!  We are always so busy on our weekends and never have time to just play, it was great!  We miss hubby/daddy a lot on Saturdays and can't wait until he is off again.  In the meantime though, hope we keep having lots of fun :)

Monday, September 23, 2013

Colson is 3!

Colson turned 3 on September 16th and we celebrated the day before with a pirate party at our house!

He was set on only boys coming to his party, but a few girls came to celebrate with us too ;)  He kept saying "my boys come to my party, only boys!", he's so funny!  We had lots of fun decorating our "ship"!

Alan brought home some old barn wood and a palate and we crafted these signs for our front entrance
Alan also created my "plank" for me to lead up to the front porch

It hasn't rained here for probably close to 6 rained the day of his party... a lot.  Despite the weather, Cole had a great pirate party and we are so greatful for our family and friends that came to celebrate with us!

The kids all got hats, eye patches, swords and pirate mustaches in their party bags.  Alyvia was modeling the party favors :)

The kids all played in the garage where Hubby set up the bounce house and we all crammed inside to watch Colson open his presents!

Daddy & Mommy with our boy <3
The next morning we had donuts and sang happy birthday again, he looked so sweet :)

We took Livi to school and had a lazy day at home playing with his new toys.

He got to go farming with daddy in the afternoon and we had Mexican for dinner-a pretty good birthday when you're 3! 

Colson Thomas, you have had your very own plan since the day you were born (2 days after our plan).

  You are perfectly pleasant when things go your very specific way, but watch out when things aren't going your way! 

You are very into saying "that's not nice" and "that not fair".  But you also express so much joy when you are happy.  "That make me happy" "You the best Mommy" "I wuv (love) you!"  Those are some of  my very favorite things to hear <3 

You have worked so hard on your speech this past year and I am happy to say that you don't even qualify for speech anymore!  You are getting so big (and you are quick to tell anyone that you are NOT a baby, you are a BOY.  Baby is a baby)  We love you so much and could never imagine life without our boy.  We hope you have a fabulous year big boy!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Colson's First Day of MDO

Colson is starting "school" this year!  He's actually going to a Mother's Day Out program at First Federated Church in Peoria.  He goes on Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 1:45 p.m.  Today he and I went together (only for 1 hour) for his first day.

He did really good!  He talked to all the teachers, said hi to the other kids (when prompted) and played really nice.....for about 30 minutes :)  Then he was done and "ready to go home".  He begrudgingly sat through a story and song while whining a bit.  BUT, I consider it a success.  He was such a nice little boy and his teachers loved him already :)  Next week is his first real day, all by himself.  Say a little prayer for him if you remember <3

He's so cute with his little backpack!

Ready to go!
He did so good at school, we went to McDonalds for lunch :)  Always a good treat!

Baby's first McDonalds meal-Fruit N Yogurt parfait and apple juice :)

10 months

Double digits already?!  Sweet baby girl turned 10 months old on the 6th.  She'll be 1 in two short months.  She is growing up so fast. 
 Our baby girl is still not crawling, but she is trying to stand up!  She actually pulled up herself on the 7th while we were visiting Mamaw and Papaw.  Her little legs are still pretty wobbly, but she is practicing her best.  When she's sitting, she leans over like she's going to crawl, but she can't quite get up on her knees.  She might be one that goes straight to walking! 
Her other first this month is an ear infection, bilateral actually :(  She was still smiling through it though.  A full day of antibiotics and she's already on the mend! 
She's eating more and more table food, but still eats her baby food every meal too.  She finally figured out sippy cups too, although figuring out how to spill them is even more fun :)  Miss Kendall still is sleeping great too.  Goes to bed around 7 and sleeps until after 7 (usually!).  She takes a morning and afternoon nap too....although her sister's school and extra curricular activity schedule is messing with her afternoon nap :( 
Her personality is shining through even more.  Still low key, still so happy, but she does seem to like to mess with her big brother.  If she can get her little paws on him or his blanket, she's all about it!  And oh does it make him mad, which makes her smile.  He calls her "naughty baby!"-ha!

We love you baby girl!  You are our sunshine each and every day.