Saturday, December 31, 2011

Noon Year's Eve!

I was on call today and was hoping not to get called in so that Alyvia and I could celebrate new year's together.  Well, I woke up at 7:30 and was so happy to not have gotten a call!  I had gotten an e-mail about a "noon year's eve" party with Julie K. who is a children's recording artist. So I got online and got 2 tickets for the party!  Livi and I headed over to Five Points in Washington for the show. 

We had fun-it took Livi a little while to "warm up" and get into the show, but I think she had a good time, especially at the bubble wrap stomp and balloon drop!

After the show, we went to lunch and did a little Christmas returning :)  While we were at the mall, she talked me into doing this...

I'm a such a sucker for her :)  I love her though and she had lots of fun, such a brave little girl!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Christmas Craze

It's Christmas at our house today....Santa knows that our mommy works tomorrow :)  We had a busy but fun filled family day!  We started at our house opening presents from Santa this morning!
Right before they came downstairs to see what Santa brought
Stockings first!

Max & Sonja got new doggie beds!

Colson's new "cheese face"
After presents at home we headed over to Mamaw and Papaw's house to celebrate!

Oh my word...presents!!

She thought Aunt Cheryl gave her pull-ups! :)

He loves to hang with Uncle Brian :)

Brenner man playing with his new toy!
Getting a little sleepy with Uncle Adam

We left Cowsers around 2 pm and went to church at 3:30.  Then we headed on over to my parents house.  My mom had a terrible stomach flu and couldn't even stay up to watch us open our gifts :(  We were sad that she couldn't be a part of our celebration, but we still had fun with everybody else!

Our family Christmas 2011

This girl is excited for Christmas!

And this boy loves him some cheetos!!

Brusha, brusha-thanks Nana and Papa!

Carry-on bags for Disney World!

Thanks for my tractor Grandma Schindel!

Beep, beep-look out!
We had a crazy busy day, but it was full of family and celebration, which made it super great!  We got lots of gifts but we remember the true "reason for the season"-the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ.  We thank him for our blessings-they truly are abundant.  Funny story to end- yesterday as I was buckling Alyvia into her seat she said "I love Christmas, it's my favorite day".  I said "Me too-do you know what Christmas is really about?" and she replied loudly and enthusiastically "PRESENTS!"  I guess we still have some work to do on that front-LOL!  And yes, I did correct her :)  Merry Christmas from our family to yours!

Friday, December 23, 2011

It's Christmas Eve (at our house!)

We had a BIG day today!  Alyvia and I started out by taking her to a follow up appointment with her pediatrician- so long UTI!  Then we finished up our Christmas shopping.  When we got home, daddy had everything set out to make Christmas cookies.  We made 3 different kinds of cookies-together as a family, it was so fun!

Well mostly fun!  A little fighting over the cookie sheet :)

 Daddy's favorite, chocolate doggies (or snowflakes in our house!)..

They might be somebody else's favorite cookie too-he kept shoving whole cookies in his mouth-ha!

This baby might have a future as a chef, he absolutely LOVES to pretend cook.  We gave him his own bowl and spoon and he was a happy camper :)

 After cookies, cleaning and napping, we headed up to the Los Jimadores in Princeville and had dinner-the BEST mexican food!  We came home and got our cookies ready for Santa!

Then we put the kids to bed and let Santa get to work.

  I hope our little elves are happy in the morning!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas break fun!

We had a Christmas break play date today.  Alyvia has been dying to go to Monkey Joes and I thought it would be fun while all the big kids are still in school.  So we invited Reagan, Rylie, Lizzie and our friend Alexis to join us.  It was a great day to go, there were probably only 10 other kids in the whole place.  The girls had lots of fun!

Colson likes to sit while Alyvia jumps-he says "jump, jump, jump" (in his own language of course!).  After  playing we went to lunch at Avantis with Kristin and Lizzie

Colson was his usual self out to eat...not very good.  We still had fun though and we hope Kristin and Lizzie will try to go to lunch with us again!  After lunch we still had lots to do!  The kids had hair appointments with Aunt Kelly.  Alyvia decided that she wanted her hair cut short "like Lizzie's".  I wasn't sure and her daddy said absolutely NO but....

Well, she usually gets what she wants :)  It looks really cute though and I'm glad we let her cut it.  My newly coiffed little family