Saturday, February 16, 2013

Kendall is 3 months old!

Miss Kendall, how did you get to be 3 months old already?!

The past couple of weeks you have really started to develop a bigger personality!  You have definitely found your voice :)  You "talk" back to us when we talk to you now and you are getting LOUD when you want to be heard! You are also obsessed with having your hands in your mouth!

It was almost impossible to get a good picture of you without your hands in your face :)  You are smiling so much more now.  When I get home from work and you wake up and notice me, I get the biggest smiles from you.  It makes my heart so full <3

You were sleeping from about 11-5, but the last week or so you are getting up again between 2 and 4 to eat.  I think you must be having a growth spurt!  You are still only eating 4 ounces every feeding.  If we feed you more, you just spit up more :)

Every night after the "big" kids go to bed, we have our special Kendall time.  Daddy and I try to make sure you get held until we go to bed.  I love that time that we get to spend with just you.  You still like to cuddle and I'm trying to soak it in.

We love you Kendall Ashway!

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