Sunday, March 25, 2012

18 months

Colson, I can't believe that you are 18 months old already!  You definitely know what you want at this age and expect us to know as well.  You are happy and silly most of the time, but dramatic when things don't go your way (screaming really loud and swinging your arms or hitting).  You are a pretty good eater-breakfast is probably your favorite meal, not shocking since it's mine, daddy and Livi's too!  Fruit and veggies are good, but it's hard to get you to eat meat.   You are wearing size 18 month clothes and some 24 month shirts and a size 5 or 6 shoe.   I took you to the pediatrician on March 21st and you weighed 22 lbs. 8 oz. and were 31.75 inches long.  You are still in about the 20th percentile for height and weight, although you don't look small to me :)  Dr. Galbreath was a little concerned about your speech, so we are going to have you screened for some possible speech therapy.  You are definitely vocal, you just don't have a lot of words yet.  Yesterday you started saying "beep, beep", right after I beeped the car horn!   You call all dogs "Ma" (for Max), shake your head no (but won't say it), say "yeah" on occasion (but appropriately) say "bye" and wave, say "hi" (only when you feel like it), blow kisses for thank you (which is the sweetest thing), yell "BAAAAA" when the dogs bark (I think you are yelling at them) and  point to and say "Ga" for pretty much everything else.  You always get your point across though!   I'm sure when you do start talking a lot, it will be LOUD :)  You are sleeping from about 8 pm to between 7:30 & 8 a.m. and you take a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon.  I think Alyvia is still your favorite person to play with, you have to try anything and everything that she does.  EVERYONE tells us how cute you are, and we couldn't agree more!   We love more every day Colson Thomas!

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