Thursday, June 23, 2011

9 months (+1 week)!

Colson you are 9 months old! 

You seemed to have gotten so much older this last month!  You have learned to clap and you are army crawling like a mad man.  You especially love cords and will pull yourself across the floor so fast to get to them :)  You get up on your hands and knees, but one of your legs usually gets stuck and you drop to your belly.  Pretty soon you'll really be on the move! 

Still no teeth yet, but you eat everything in sight!  Your favorite food right now is probably graham crackers-Papa gives you the ones with cinnamon and sugar, but momma just has the plain ones.  You still eat baby food for 3 meals/day, but at supper time you have a little bit of whatever we are eating.  You have around 4 bottles/day. 

You are still sleeping really good right now.  You get up anytime after 7, usually before 7:30 and you are ready for a nap by 8:30-9 most days.  You wake up around 10:30 and then we play a bit before lunch.  You are usually ready for your second nap by 1:30.  Afternoon nap is usually about an hour and a half, sometimes longer if mommy is having a lucky day!

You make lots of, ba, and ma-ma.  When you see the dogs you kick your feet and say, ga-ga-ga!  When you throw something, you say ba!  I think you are saying ball!  You only say mama when you want something that you aren't getting, usually to be picked up :)  No "real" words yet though.

I'm not sure what you weigh right now, your 9 month doctor's appointment is next week.  You wear 6-12 month or 9 month clothes mostly.   You love to play with your toys.  The "gumball machine" and your race car track are your 2 favorite.  You have figured out to push the button on the gumball machine to make the balls come out, you are so smart.  One of your most favorite things to do is pull Alyvia's hair out...and then try to eat it!  You still love everything about Alyvia and she gets so excited when you do something new :)

Everyone we encounter always says what a happy guy you seem to be, and you really are!  We love you so much Colson!

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