Thursday, May 9, 2013

1/2 Birthday!

Miss Kendall is 6 months old!

And could she be any more beautiful?!  This baby.....I want to eat her up!  We went to her pediatrician appointment today and she weighs 15 lbs. 10 oz. (40th percentile) and 26 1/2 inches (71st percentile!).  This girl is growing!  She still takes mostly bottles, but is finally starting to really like eating baby food.  She eats cereal and fruit in the morning and cereal and veggies at dinner.  We've started to try a sippie cup and she is catching on to it too!

Big girl is sleeping better and better each month (knock on wood!).  She goes to bed around 9 pm and gets up around 6:30 am (waaay too early for this mommy).  She is doing so much better not waking up and needing her paci during the night.  I finally got her on somewhat of a napping schedule too.  She eats her breakfast at 8:30 and then takes a small bottle before morning nap.  She usually sleeps 1 1/2 to 2 hours in the morning.  Then after lunch, she naps again but that nap is usually shorter.  We're getting there for sure! 

Sissy is rolling both ways, although she still doesn't really like to be on her tummy :)  She is starting to sit up too, for a couple minutes she can long as she's not distracted or surprised!  My favorite new things she does though, is "give love".  She grabs your face with her chubby little hands (and sometimes her sharp little nails) and pulls you to her.  She burries her face in your cheek and gives baby love.  It's so very sweet <3. 
We love you baby girl!  You are the happiest baby (most of the time) and you complete our family in every way!

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