Thursday, December 6, 2012

Kendall is 1 month

Kendall is one month old today!  This beautiful baby has been a part of our lives for 4+ weeks now.

As you can tell, she was terribly excited about her 1 month birthday-ha!
Kendall, you are such a good baby (honestly!).  You eat 3oz. about every 3 hours during the day and sometimes do a 4-5 hour stretch at night.  I couldn't ask for much more when you are only 4 weeks old!  You still sleep A LOT!  Alyvia asks me quite a few times each week why you sleep so much :)  I know it's because you are busy growing....and maybe trying to ignore the craziness when your brother and sister are around!  Night time is Kendall time.  After we put Alyvia and Colson to bed, we try to make sure either daddy or I hold you.  You love to snuggle and lay on our chest to sleep.  You are very strong and you move your head around quite a bit!
You don't cry very much, just a little bit when you are waiting for a bottle and at bath time.  BUT, you are getting pretty loud when you do cry :)  You are such a perfect baby, not that I'm biased at all ;)  Alyvia and Colson love you so much.  Livi loves to hold you and pick out clothes for you to wear.  Colson likes to talk to you when you are awake and say "hi, hi, hi" :)  He has even started to ask where you are in the morning.  We all love you so much Kendall and it seems like you've always been here.  We love you so <3

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