Monday, August 29, 2011

Can you hear me now?

About 2 weeks ago Colson had his appointment with the ENT doctor.  Colson did not have an ear infection at the time, but testing showed there was fluid in both ears, his right more so than left (his right ear is always worse with infections).  We did a hearing test too and he can hear just fine, so that was relief.  We decided that we would go ahead and put the tubes in due to how severe his ear infections have been.  Also, cold and flu season is coming quickly, but this should be the time of year that kids are the healthiest.  The doctor ultimately left the decision up to me, so hopefully I made the right one.  Colson and I got up early today and headed into OSF Center for Health.  He couldn't eat in the morning and I was worried that he'd be beastly the hour before surgery, but he was such a good boy!  He was the only baby (there were at least 4 others that I saw) that was crawling all over the waiting room like crazy and throwing the magazines off the table, but hey-he was happy!   In pre-op we put on his gown and little footies and he played with some toys the nurse brought back.

He whimpered a little when the OR nurse took him back, but he was back in my arms within 20 minutes.  He was crying when she brought him in to me, but I gave him a bottle and he started to drift to sleep again.  Then he woke up and was ticked off about the the pulse ox on his toe-he was crying big crocodile tears and pulling as hard as he could.  The nurse finally came back and took it off, then he was consolable at least.  We came home and Cole slept most of the day away.  He was happy when he was awake though and I think it went as best as it could have.  Hopefully this will be the solution to his terrible ear infections-he's been such a trooper and deserves a little break!

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