Saturday, July 16, 2011

10 months old!

Colson you are 10 months old-ahhhh, that is so close to 1!!!  

You are becoming such a big boy so quickly lately.  You are still army crawling, but you almost really crawl now.  You will get on your hands and knees but your left leg gets stuck.  You get on your foot like you want to stand up instead, then you usually drop to your stomach to move forward-momma is calling it your "peg leg" :)
Papa and Daddy bribing you to really crawl!

You are learning to pull up on things too.  You're not too brave yet, you usually look for a hand to hold.  I'm afraid it's only a matter of time before you are cruising all around the furniture.  You wave and say "bye-bye"  (only when you want) and you wave and say "Hi" too, but again, only when you want :)  Recently you have started saying "Papa" too-you love your papa.  Colson you love music!  Anytime you hear music you start to bounce up and down.  You play a game with your binky too funny boy.   If somebody is holding you, you will take your binky out and try to put it in the other person's mouth and then you smile so big and take it back-you have a sense of humor!! 

In big news-you have 2 teeth!!!  The bottom left front tooth came through on July 6th and your bottom right on July 15th.  You take your tongue and feel your two little teeth all the time.  They are cute little teeth, but I think I miss your gummy smile already :)  You want anything and everything to eat, whenever we eat you demand to eat too!  There is nothing that we have found that you can't gum down!  That's why you weigh over 20 lbs now!  That is still below the 50th percentile, but you look huge to me-stop growing so fast!!   You are wearing 9 month and 12 month shirts, 12 month jammies and 9 month pants.  You also went on your first vacation to Lake of the Ozarks-you did so good!

I can't believe you'll be 1 in two months Cole, you are turning into a little boy so quickly.  Everything about you is so "boy".  You growl a lot (in a very deep voice).  You love tractors and trucks, you push anything along the floor like it's a truck.  I love seeing your personality develop.  Love you so much Colson!

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