Monday, September 24, 2012

Manic Monday

This is what Colson and I are going to be up to every Monday for the next 4 weeks...

We have Non-Stress Tests (NST) scheduled twice weekly until the end of October.  Colson was such a good boy.  We took lots of books and tractors for him to play with.  Baby girl so kindly cooperated and we didn't have to stay quite the whole hour :)  Hopefully big brother is as good every time as he was today!

After my doctors appointment, we picked up sister from school early to take her to a doctors appointment.  Livi has always had a very sensitive stomach, but it's been bothering her a lot lately.  So we went to see her doctor today.  He isn't too worried, but he did order some lab work and an abdominal x-ray-mostly to pacify this crazy mom probably!  After the pediatrician appointment, we headed over to the hospital to get the labs and x-ray done. 

Cole & Alyvia playing while we wait for lab work
Alyvia was a super star for her labs!  They took 4 tubes of blood and she barely flinched.  She was very proud of herself :)  Her x-ray was no big deal to her either-such a brave 5 year old!  Little brother was so so so good through all of the doctors appointments and waiting too, so proud of both my kids today! 
We left the hospital and hurried over to dance class for Livi.  It was a big day and we were tired when we got home.  The next few weeks are really busy before baby girl gets here...but hopefully not as crazy as today!

UPDATE:  Alyvia's doctor called and all of her results came back normal, so relieved!

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