Last weekend we had our nieces Reagan and Rylie spend the weekend with us while my SIL & BIL were in Chicago. If we were going to have 5 kids, why not have 6?! We had to have our other niece Kinsley spend Friday night too :)
We had Little Ceasars pizza, made ornament crafts, and had a slumber party in the basement (complete with a movie and popcorn of course!).
Everybody slept in the basement....except for Mommy and Kendall, we got to sleep in our own beds! Kendall definitely enjoyed playing with the big kids before bedtime though :)
The next morning, we had breakfast and then I went downtown for the Jingle Bell was a brisk 10 degrees outside. It was fun to run with this group of girls from work despite the cold weather!
Lori, Heidi, Liz, Alyssa, me, Danielle, Michelle, Kelly |
After the race, I raced home and we ALL went to Adam & Liz's new house in Chillicothe. They picked the coldest day of the year to move in! Such a cute house though and I can't wait to see it all put together :) We had to leave fairly quickly because Alyvia and I had a bridal shower for my friend Caroline! Poor Reagan had been complaining that her ear hurt since Friday night and Alan and I decided we should have it checked out. So when Livi and I got home, I took Reagan to the Peds after hours clinic. Luckily her ears checked out fine, but what a
CRAZY day it was!!! I had to work Sunday, so Alan had all 5 kiddos by himself. He's such a good daddy and uncle though, it didn't even phase him. It was so fun to have all the girls over and they get along so well, they even let Colson in on their fun. I love that they are all such good friends!
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