Friday, November 15, 2013

One Year Check Up

Kendall finally had her one year check up yesterday (her pediatrician was out of town last week).  She is 20 lbs. 3 oz. (54th %) and 29.72 inches long (65th %).  She has grown so much!  Looking back at her 2 month check up, she was in the 20th % for weight and only 0.97th % for height!
Kendall hates the doctors office.  She starts crying the minute the nurse or doctor come anywhere near her.  Not just wimpering, full blown screaming with real tears (even though I'm holding her).  Luckily, brother was at school so I could focus all my energy on Kendall.....I was sweatin' bullets by the time we got out of there!
Me?  This sweet face?...yep, don't let her fool ya!
Good news is, she is doing great and is completely healthy :)  She is doing so many new things!  She pulls up on anything and everything and cruises really well.  She loves to pull up on people and then let go and stand all by herself.  Then instead of walking, she just falls into you!

Falling while I tried to take pictures, eyes closed with complete trust that I'll catch her :)  
She is starting to talk a lot too.  She says mama, dada, sissy, dog, uh-oh, bye bye, ba ba and she loves to scream with Colson!  She pretty much has given up most baby food and eats what we eat.  I do still try to give her baby food veggies to keep her diet a little healthier.  Her favorite foods are peas, any sort of bread, pasta and Mexican rice (the girl devours it!).  She drinks water and juice from a big girl cup with meals but still loves her bottles before nap and bedtime.   Her naps are changing :(  She is still a good morning napper (although as I'm typing she is talking in her bed and hasn't napped!).  Her afternoon nap is shorter if at all.  So sad we seem to be ending the 2 nap phase.  She is mostly happy, especially at home.  She will immediately cry if I walk away from her though-no matter where we are.  She is allowed to wander from me, but I better not move...especially to change laundry, wash dishes, make lunch/dinner, etc.  Oh Kendall!

This sweet girl loves to "give love".  She leans her head into yours <3  She's a little ornery too.  Colson is so easily riled up and I believe she has figured that out.  She will merely touch his hair and he hollers and she just smiles from ear to ear!   They do play together nicely sometimes though :)

She already looks up to her sissy so much and still lights up when she sees Alyvia.  They often hold hands in the car when we pick Livi up from school.

We can't believe you are one already and we know time will only go faster from here.  We can't wait to see what your next year brings and watch as your little personality keeps growing.  We love you so Baby <3

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

8 Year Anniversary

Today was our anniversary :)  We were married on a rainy day in November, but the high was in the 50's.  A local jewelry store had a promotion going that if it rained more than 1 inch on your wedding day, they would reimburse you for the cost of your ring......we would have had a free ring if we had purchased it from that store!

Despite the weather, we had a beautiful wedding day.  I loved everything about it!  Our first few anniversaries, we went out to a nice dinner.  Even after we had Liv, we were able to get a sitter so we could celebrate our anniversary together.  Well, with 3 kids (and after abusing our babysitters all fall), now we all celebrate as one big happy family.....and I wouldn't change it for the world!

We went to Avantis with our 3 favorite little people and had a lovely dinner :)  We'll have lots of time to celebrate by ourselves in just a few short years.  Happy anniversary Alan, I can't imagine anyone else I'd rather spend the rest of my life with <3

Monday, November 11, 2013

Kendall is ONE!

How did this happen?!  Our baby turned one on November 6th.  We celebrated by taking her for Mexican food at Los Jimadores :)  Nana, Papa, Mamaw, Papaw, Reagan, Rylie and Grandma Alice joined us too!

 Before dinner, we opened presents at home.  She still doesn't quite get the opening concept :)

Loving her bear from Livi and Colson
Her new big bean bag chair from Mommy & Daddy
We sang happy birthday and had left over cookies for dessert :)  Baby girl got to blow out her candle one more time!  Kendall, we hope we make you half as happy as you make us-we all love ou so much Kendall Koo!!!

Monday, November 4, 2013

A Rainbow Birthday Celebration!

Our baby girl will be 1 on the 6th!  How can it be?!  On Sunday, we celebrated her first birthday with family and friends.

I decided to go with a "rainbow" theme.

NB, 3, 6 and 9 months pictures along with her scrap book
(I wanted to have rainbow streamers coming down from my "clouds"
But I couldn't have tape on the walls, so I didn't do it)

I made the banner from a Stampin' Up set that I purchased.
It turned out super cute, but curled  up badly :(
Mason jars with flowers, wrapped with rainbow ribbon & a party circle
decorated each table
Her beautiful birthday cake made by my wonderful friend Kristin
and a matching smash cake!
Our beautiful birthday baby!

We made barbecue, macaroni and cheese, 4 bean casserole and buffalo chicken dip for lunch.  Then we had cake!

Sissy didn't get too dirty, she's too reserved for that ;)  She ate the frosting off the side facing her and that was it.  She probably would have quietly ate that frosting the whole afternoon, but we stopped her to open presents!

I had LOTS of help from the bigger kids :)

I'm pretty sure she's asking "What is all this business?!"
And then Aunt Anne apparently hijacked the camera!

And Finny was sharing his paci with Kendall :)

Baby Girl, we hope you had a fabulous 1st birthday party.  You had so many people come to your party that love you.  Thank you so much to our family and friends that spent their Sunday afternoons celebrating our baby, we love you so much!  Happy Birthday Kendall <3

A Toy Story Halloween

What a yucky day we had for Halloween!  It rained all afternoon and intermittently through the evening :(

My ghoul ready for school!

We didn't let a little soggy weather stop us though, a trick or treating we went!  Alyvia decided months ago what she wanted to be, Jessie the cowgirl from Toy Story.  The other kids were easy then.  Colson would be Woody and Kendall was going to be Bullseye.  Well, Colson decided in September that Buzz Lightyear was his favorite so he wanted to be Buzz, not Woody.  Then we decided that Kendall would be a super cute Alien, as in "The claaaaaw" aliens :)

 Don't let Kendall's face fool you, she really didn't mind the costume :)  Mamaw made Alyvia's awesome Jessie costume, the most authentic Jessie around!  

Our friend, Lizzie A. (aka Kitty Soft Paws from Puss N Boots) joined us for trick or treating-it's becoming a fun tradition!


We made it out for about an hour and the kids got a good amount of candy.  Baby Alien stayed home with Daddy (who got rained out farming too) to hand out candy.

To Inifity, And Beyond!
Hope you had a happy Halloween too!