Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Bachelorette Trip

My friend Caroline is getting married this December.  We celebrated her bachelorette party this weekend in Michigan!
Jonna, Kathy, Monica & Caroline
I don't want to lie, I wasn't all on board during the planning for this trip.  I hate leaving my kids for a whole weekend when I am not working (since I work every other weekend I don't get many weekend days with my family).  It's fall and Alan is SO BUSY so I knew I'd have to find baby sitters for all 3 kids for 2 nights and I was worried about the cost.  BUT, I can happily say, I was wrong!  We had a great time wine tasting all around South Haven!

Jonna & Caroline in front of the house we rented
The first 2 wineries we went to were actual vineyards.  Beautiful views!

Our 1st wine tasting!

Vineyard #2 was the prettiest setting.

They had a multi-level deck where you could sit and visit.  It was a little windy outside, but with a little wine to warm you up it was fabulous!

We grabbed lunch after our 2nd stop and then made our way to the downtown area.  So pretty!

Our 3rd stop was my least favorite, too disorganized for me!  But the 4th and final winery was great!  They had a long bar to sit at and there was no rush, so much fun to catch up with friends :)

We went to dinner to a little place called "Taste".  It was delicious food!

The bride to be!
 We headed back to our house after dinner....we're not twenty-somethings anymore!  It was a great day spend with friends that I don't get to see often enough.  My kiddos were so well taken care of back home too.  A big thank you goes out to my parents for keeping Livi & Cole and to Alan's cousin Shelli and her husband Jim for keeping their goddaughter Miss Kendall!!  They were all spoiled rotten the whole weekend :)

Monday, October 14, 2013

Fall Happenings

What have we been up to the last couple weeks?  Lots!  We decorated our porch for fall and I love it!

Thanks so much to my hubby who helped me do this!  We also had our first weenie roast to celebrate Uncle Adam's birthday.

Livi and I went to Spoon River Drive with Nana and did some shopping too (where Livi got her cute ear warmer!).  Colson has been back into playing pirates a lot!  And baby likes to play along too :)

Last Friday we went to the Homecoming parade and carnival in town.  Alyvia and Cole had lots of fun...Miss Kendall would have preferred to stay home :(

Livi before school, spirit day!

Ready for the parade to begin!

Mmmmm, cotton candy at the carnival
I braved taking the kids to the football game that night by myself (Daddy is still working hard in the fields).  It was not the best idea :/  Alyvia had fun and hung out with her friends (I'm already not cool!).  But Colson and Kendall were tired and it was rather hard to keep them entertained.  Livi ended up staying with Aunt Kelly and I brought the little kids home.  Hopefully when they get older, we can all have fun times at the football games!
We've been having lots of fun this fall, but we miss our daddy!  We're excited for fall to be over and to have our daddy back home with us <3

Kendall 11 Months

Miss Kendall turned 11 months on October 6th!  

One year ago we were excitedly anticipating her arrival, it seems just like yesterday.  I can't believe we are going to be celebrating her birthday in 3 weeks!  
Kendall you continue to be such a good baby girl.  You are growing so fast!  You wear size 12 months clothes and a size 4 diaper.  Your feet are still tiny!  Size 3 shoes fit, but they fall off a lot :)  You actually rarely wear shoes, but since you want to get down constantly now when we are out, you have to get used to shoes!  
You aren't walking yet, but you pull up on everything this past week!  Good thing Daddy got the baby gate up at the stairs :)  Your crazy crawling method is effective for you, but it's so funny.  Still pushing off with your right foot and dragging your left leg, silly girl!

You still eat baby food, but you definitely seem to want our food if we are eating too.  No teeth, but you get everything mashed up with those gums of yours! 

You still take 2 naps a day (when our schedule allows!) and sleep about 12 hours a night.  You have a bottle before every nap and at bedtime.  You are playing a little more independently now that you can get around by yourself, which gives mommy some time not entertaining you!  You still don't like us to be out of sight though when you play and you definitely have some stranger danger.  The dogs make you so excited and you wave your arms and says some sort of word every time you see them!  Livi and Colson always make you smile when you see them too :)  

We can't wait to celebrate your 1st year next month, we love you so much Kendall!