Friday, January 25, 2013

Dress Up & A lunch date

We played a little dress up at our house this morning.  My friend Stephanie got Kendall a Minnie Mouse outfit for our baby sprinkle.  It finally fits our little miss and oh did she look so cute!  We paired it with some Valentine's day leggings to complete our ensemble :)

She wasn't a huge fan of the hat, hence the pacifier!

After dress up and picture shoot, Little Miss was tired and had to take quite a nap!  Daddy came home for lunch and I left to go meet Livi at school for her lunch. 

It was the 101st day of school, so they were dressed like 101 Dalmations :)

I am considering this my very last day of maternity leave.  This weekend is my normal weekend off and I go back to work next Tuesday.  Hopefully we have a great weekend to round out these great 12 weeks that I had off!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Say Cheese!

I try so hard every day to capture Kendall's smiles on camera.  I get lots of funny faces, but I can't seem to get the smiles :)

She actually does smile quite a bit these days, especially when she first wakes up :)  Love her!

On the other hand, Alyvia is always ready to pose for the camera!  Today was her 100th day of school and she was supposed to dress like she was 100 years old.

She is the cutest little old lady I've ever seen!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Pinterest Project/Creative Mess!

So I have to go back to work next week :(  Before I am not here all the time, I decided that I wanted to be "super mom" and do something really fun for Colson.  So I got on Pinterest and was determined to find a fun project. 

Momma's Fun World: Make your own moon dough NEW sensory play

What a great idea, right?!  Colson loves to play with his trucks & tractors and he loves to play with sand-like material!  What's even better is that it's super simple to make, flour + baby oil.  So I whipped up my own batch and Daddy set him up in the garage.  

My nicely "contained" batch of Moon Dough
Thank the Lord I listened to hubby and let him play in the garage, I was going to let him sit at the dining room table (proof that I might just have lost my mind)!  He did have fun and played for over an hour, but oh the mess he made!

It's hard to see how big of mess it was and trust me it stuck to every crevice in a shoe and tracked all over my entryway.  Maybe next time I have a bright idea, I will refer back to this post!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

1st Report Card

We got Alyvia's first report card this week!  No letter grades yet, but a good report.  Her teacher included this note with the report card. 

I love that her teacher calls her stylish, Alyvia loves her clothes!  Good job Livi, we are proud of you!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

5 kids? No way!

We kept my nieces this past week for 2 nights.  They are good girls and we love having them over, but I am not cut out to have 5 kids for sure!  They stayed with us after lunch Sunday and spend the night.  Monday everyone was still off of school.  I decided to be brave and take them all out to play.  We went to Rainbow play place and then we went to McDonalds for lunch.  I was nervous, but they all listened so well and I think being busy helped. 

Monday morning Mickey Mouse
Tuesday all the girls went back to school.  Daddy took Alyvia like he usually does and I took R & R to preschool in Dunlap.  Daddy also took Colson to work the morning so that I could visit my mom in the hospital :(  Alan ended up picking up R & R from school because I was still at the hospital.  I came home at lunch time and he went back to work.  Side note: I am so lucky to have a husband that doesn't even have to be asked to help out, he volunteers willingly and expects nothing in return.  Lucky girl :)  That afternoon we hung out at the house and the girls loved on Kendall <3

ALL of the kids and I picked up Livi at school that day.  Tuesday evening Alan took R & R back to their house to wait for my SIL to get home.  I love my nieces very much, but 5 kids is exhausting and I was happy to be back to just our 3 kids the rest of the week!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Kendall is 2 months old!

This girl is 2 months old (on the 6th) and super cute!

Colson and I took her to the doctor  on Thursday, the 10th for her 2 month check up and her first immunizations :(

Kendall was screaming bloody murder during her shots and Colson was almost crying saying "baby hy, baby hy" (baby cry).  It was an event for sure :)  We all made it out of the doctors office though!  I am not a mom who cries when my baby gets shots.  I know they are for her benefit and I would most definitely cry if she got pertussis or something else that is preventable with vaccines.  Just sayin.  Anywho...Kendall had a perfect check up with Dr. G.  She is 10 lbs. 4 oz. and 21 inches long, the 20th percentile for weight and the 0.97th percentile for height, my little shortcake :) 
Baby Kendall you are doing so great!  You still sleep quite a bit during the day, but are waking up a bit more to interact with us and "pay" as Colson says.  You eat 4 oz. every 3-4 hours during the day.  You still get up once a night, usually between 3 and 4 a.m.  You've been fussy (screaming/crying for about 15 minutes until you fall asleep) after your evening bottle so we are trying "gripe water" to see if that helps your tummy.  Most of the time though, you are so laid back and starting to be a happy baby.  We have to work for your smiles and they are nearly impossible to capture on the camera, but they are well worth it!

Kendall we love you so much and it's o.k. to stay little :)

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Kendall's baptism

Today is Kendall's baptism day!  We were so excited to have her baptized.  She wore Alyvia's dress and looked so beautiful, just like her big sister :) 

Alyvia 2007

Kendall 2013
And just for fun, here's our big guy on his baptism day (we didn't make him wear the dress!)

We chose Jim and Shelli (Alan's cousin) to be Kendall's Godparents.  They love all of our kids so much and are good, Godly people.  I know they will be such a positive influence on Kendall. 

After the ceremony our families came to over to our house for brunch.  It was such a good morning and now we are able to relax the rest of the day.  That is if you call taking care of 5 kids, 5 and under, relaxing (the Walsh girls are at our house for the next 2 days)-ha!  Happy Sunday :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

This has been the best week!  I have decided that if I didn't have to work and Alan only worked part time, it would be so perfect :)  Hey, a girl can dream, can't she?  Livi is on break and Alan has been home a lot this week, it's been so nice to have our family together.  Today Alan and I even got to go on a little NYE date.  Mind you it was at 2:00 in the afternoon, but it was a date nonetheless!  We dropped the kids off with my mom

 and went to see "This is 40".

It was fun to see a "non kid" movie with my hubby!  After the movie we went back and picked up with kids and went to dinner at Olive Garden with my parents.  We were home and in our pj's by 8'oclock!

 We let Livi stay up and watch a movie at home and we cheered to the new year with her.

We wish you a happy 2013!!