Friday, August 31, 2012

Week in pictures

Saturday-woke up to these 2 cuties taking over my bed :)

Livi and I went to Naperville for my cousin Amy's wedding shower and Cole went to work with Daddy!

Sunday-we got up and went to church and then Livi and I went to our friend Lizzie's birthday party.  It was a yucky rainy day, but we had fun anyway!

Then we had to leave for a Snyder family picnic at Bradley park.  It rained more today than it has practically all summer!!  The kids obviously still had tons of fun :)

Will & Colson having a blast throwing ice!  I foresee trouble with these 2!

Alyvia, Joseph and Ben playing in the rain

Colson (the boy who hates the sprinkler) joins in on the fun in the pouring rain!

On Tuesday, Colson and I had a quiet day planned at home....but Daddy had other plans for us :)

 Poor Daddy got a bad burn on his hand while working :(  So Colson got to spend an impromptu couple of hours with Papa while daddy and I went to Prompt Care and picked up supplies to take care of Daddy's hand. 
We have an appointment next week with a hand surgeon to make sure that his hand is healing properly...

On Thursday, this cute boy hung out with Colson and I all day!

Poor guy had a fever the day before, so he came to Aunt Katie's instead of going to the babysitters.  He was so good, just had a yucky stuffy nose that made it hard to take a good nap.  I tried to get a picture of him and Colson together, but Cole kept telling me "doe!"

On Friday, Cole and I got to have a "Mommy & Colson Day".  I've been wanting to do something special with Colson since Livi started school-he doesn't get as much one on one time as she did.  So today, we went to the zoo!

My big guy and I got to see the baby tigers out playing!  They were cute, but not as cute as my little guy :)

After the zoo, we met Nana for lunch at Avanti's.  I had so much fun spending a couple hours having fun with my little boy :) 

We had a busy, busy week!  I'm sure it won't slow down much :)

Monday, August 20, 2012

Isn't she lovely :)

Today I had a doctors appointment with Maternal-Fetal Medicine to check on baby girl.  Everything looks great and we got some really good 3D pictures too!

I don't think she looks like either of our kids!  I can't wait to meet her and see "for real" :)  She is 2lbs. 8 oz. and her measurements are right on for 28 weeks.  She should be here within 11 weeks and that is sooo exciting!!  See you pretty soon baby girl!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

First Day of School

Today Alyvia started Kindergarten.

She was so excited for school to start, I could hardly be sad :)  We packed her snack and picked her outfit last night and she was ready to go this morning!  Here's a brief view of how excited she was to start her school year...and a little Colson too :)

I am glad that both Alan and I dropped her off because it was so CHAOTIC!  She walked right into her classroom when the bell rang though :)

I know a lot of moms that are very emotional about their kids starting school.  I was more nervous for her than sad....and then I was irritated because drop off was so confusing :)  I feel more disbelief that she is old enough for all day school!  It's crazy that she's 5!  I will miss her during the day, but she's so excited to go to school, I can't hardly wish she was at home :)  I hope she has a GREAT year in kindergarten and makes some really good friends.  Good luck baby girl, I know you'll do great!!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Family Fun Night!

Last night Alan and I decided to take the kids out for a family fun night.  We decided to go eat at Kobe-yum!  We've decided the Hibachi grill is a great place to take Colson.  He is entertained by the chefs and it's fine if he's loud because the grills are pretty loud too!  Then we took the kids to mini golf. 

We tried it on vacation and it was a lot of fun so we thought we'd go at home too!  Colson was super excited to pick out his "hee-ya"! 

Livi was getting really good :)  By the 4th hole or so she even remembered how to hold her hands the right way!

We had lots of fun..even though Livi was disappointed that we weren't going to do anything else at the end of the night.  I love when we have nights that we can have little family outings together.  Pretty soon Alan will be in the fields, busy with fall and it will be awhile before we can do anything like this again.  Then baby girl will be here to join us....and it might be awhile before we are brave (or crazy) enough to venture out in public again-ha! 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Baby Love

Alyvia and I went to Anne & Chris's house last night for a Norwex party.  At the end of the evening, Finnegan woke up for his bottle.  Livi got down on the floor with him and was singing "If You're Happy & You Know It" to him. 

Finn really watched her and just smiled as she sang to him :)  Livi loves her baby cousin soooo much!

Our Big Boy!

Colson and daddy worked on a something last night....

Colson's big boy bed!  It's just his "toddler bed" I suppose, but he can get in and out all by himself-so that makes it a big boy bed to me.  Some days he still seems like my baby, but he is growing up fast!  He "told" me every time we were in his room today how he and daddy worked on his bed :)  I love this crazy big boy so much!