Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sick Kids

About a month ago, I was talking to somebody at work and I said "we (our family) have all been pretty healthy this winter, knock on wood".  Well I should have really knocked on wood or just kept my mouth shut in general.  The last 3 weeks Colson and Alyvia have both been sick.  First Colson had a snotty nose and fever, but he seemed to bounce back pretty quickly.  Then last week, Alyvia had a terrible cough and stuffy nose.  She seemed to be getting better by last weekend and I had hoped that Cole had avoided it again-wrong.  By Tuesday both Alan and Colson were feeling crummy.  Colson developed a junky cough that wouldn't stop at times.  He had a low grade temp and stopped taking a milk bottle, but he was taking pedialyte and eating solid food.  Then Thursday night Alyvia woke up with a terrible headache, she was in so much pain and finally agreed to take some medicine.  About 15 minutes later she seemed better, but she ended up sleeping with Alan and I.   On Friday Alyvia and I were on our way into town and she started complaining about her left ear hurting "reawy bad".  So we made a side trip to prompt care and found out she has a terrible bilateral ear infection.  She's on antibiotics now and seems so much better.  Then I was afraid that Colson had developed an ear infection too, so we made an appt. for him at the peds after hours clinic.  Luckily, he checked out fine, just a cough/cold.  He seems to be feeling much better today, much less drainage from his nose and less coughing-what a relief.  Now if we can just get a good nights sleep from Colson, life would be great :)   Even though they are sick, they are still so cute!

And even though my kids are sick and I feel terrible for them, I know these colds will pass.  Tonight we went to benefit at the highschool for a 19 year old girl that has stage 4 colon cancer.   The turnout for the dinner/auction was incredible.  It's neat to see people come together for a cause like that and be SO giving as well.  We'll say a special prayer for Leah and her family tonight.

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