Monday, September 1, 2014

Back to School

Livi has been back to school for 2 weeks now and Colson started pre-school last week!  That leaves me with just Miss Kendall three mornings a week :)  Livi started on August 15th-it seemed so early!  We found out her teacher was Mrs. Duckworth the week before school started and Livi was so happy.  She keeps getting the teacher she wants, which makes the start of the school year so much easier :)

The littler kids and I had some errands to do in Peoria that day so we had lunch together :)

Livi has been loving school so far!  She has homework every night, so that is something for us to get used to!  She's doing so good though and I can tell how much she has matured since last year :)
Colson started school last Tuesday, August 26th.  He is going to Punkin' Patch at Princeville United Methodist Church, just like Livi did.  Miss Chris and Miss Kayli are his teachers.  He was ready to go!

Colson did so great his first couple days of school!  Thursday morning came around though and the poor kid was coughing up a lung.  He sounds TERRIBLE when he catches a cough and I hated to send him "sick" the first week.  So we kept him home and he's getting over it now-poor guy.  I blame grade school-Livi caught it her first full week of school but since she's in 'real' school, she has to go as long as she doesn't have a fever!
This is what our "sick day" looked like-ha!

 I hope both kids have a great school year, it would take a lot of worry out of my life :)  In 2 short years, Baby K will be joining them too :(