What?! I didn't post in February either? Man, I'm not doing well with this. In my defense, I got a new cover for my phone and I can't get it off-Alan has to do it for me! It is childproof and mommy-proof apparently-ha!
So, what has been going on with our family? We still were stuck inside A LOT due to the cold, snowy weather. I can't remember another winter so terrible. The kids have played so nice together!
I took Colson & Kendall to McDonald's to just play and burn some energy! |
A little Ring-Around-the-Rosy after dinner |
Cheeeeese! | | | |
I had been wanting to take the kids sledding all winter and we finally got the chance! We went to Nana and Papa's house on February 8th to take advantage of the couple inches of snow. It took us awhile to get everybody dressed, but then we were ready to go!
These kids LOVED sledding! Each time Alyvia and Colson went down the hill without Kendall, she would dive for the ground and yell, she wanted to go to! I'm so glad that we got the chance to go sledding, the kids had so much fun....but now the snow and cold can leave :)
Valentine's day started off so quietly for us. The kids got their Valentine's day presents that morning and Livi got all dressed up for school.
Then we decided to go out for dinner at Avanti's. It was such a nice little family dinner and on our way home, Alyvia started screaming bloody murder out of the blue. "I'm choking, I'm choking, it's stuck-AHHHHH!" She was apparently chewing on a metal charm from her purse and...........swallowed it. So we ended up at the hospital.
Luckily the charm went straight on through. Oh Alyvia, always keeping us on our toes!
The next weekend, we got to have a little more fun. Since October, we have had tickets to see Jason Aldean and Florida Georgia Line with our friends. The week before the concert, our plans almost got derailed. Poor Kendall
and Colson got sick.....again. Colson got terrible croup and Kendall had a runny nose and cough too :(
I finally took Colson to the doctor. Knowing its a virus, they are so unlikely to treat him, but I couldn't stand the thought of him being sick for another 4 weeks. Our pediatrician said due to his history, we could go ahead and treat him with steroids. He also had an ear infection (one of his tubes fell out) so we got an antibiotic for that. Treatment made such a difference-he was so much better after just 3 days! Poor Kendall ended up with an ear infection too. Thanks to Alan's cousin Shelli and her husband Jim, who didn't mind watching our sick kiddos, we got to go to our concert! We felt like this when we got to go....
It was such a great concert! And it was nice to get away for an evening and be out with our friends, we've missed that!
The concert was on Friday night and on Saturday night, Alyvia danced with the Bravettes dance team at the Bradley game.
She did the camp with our friend Landrie and both girls did a great job! The rest of February was calmer around our house, well a little. Colson had some crazy steroid energy!
Lots of hanging out with Kendall and Colson when Livi is in school and dance or gymanstics :)
We miss Livi when she's in school, Colson especially because she always plays with him when she's home. She's has her moments, but our Livi is usually so caring and sweet. She is really into recognizing how hard everyone works and appreciative of that too. She wrote Alan and I both notes one night while we were cleaning up dinner. Love her <3