Our baby boy turned 2 today! I can not believe it's been 2 years since this little baby joined our family.....2 days late, but I
barely remember than anymore ;)
Colson woke up a little grumpy this morning. He seems to have decided that he will no longer smile for the camera now that he's 2!
After a rough breakfast, we headed to church where everyone sang Happy Birthday to him :) Then we went to Aunt Cheryl's house for lunch. Colson had a little cupcake-cake to celebrate his birthday and he didn't put out the candle with his fingers this time!
After nap, Colson woke up a little grumpy again :( BUT, opening a couple of presents seemed to have put him in a little better mood!
Note the look on his face...so sissy started helping him out! |
Ohhhh, now I get it, let me do it! |
Train table from Mommy & Daddy! |
We went to dinner with Nana, Papa, Aunt Anne, Un Cha and Finny. We went to Kobe, not because Cole will eat the food, but because he loves the "fire show" while they cook :)
After dinner we had chocolate creme pie at Nana and Papa's house. He FINALLY blew out the candle on his pie!! Do you think I actually had my camera for it though? Of course not!
Colson-we love you so much. You are (one of) our miracle baby. You make everything that happened between having Alyvia and having you worth it-I wouldn't change it for the world, because I can't imagine my world without you in it. Happy 2nd birthday baby boy!