Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A big day of firsts!

We had a busy day today!  It was Alyvia's first day of 4 year old preschool at Punkin' Patch.

On the way to school she said "I can't wait for my 1st day of Punkin' Patch!"  She was so excited to go back to school and see all of her friends!

 And just for comparison....
 I can't believe how much she has grown!!!

All ready for school to start

Right before we took Livi to school, we all ate lunch together and Colson tried some baby carrots.  He doesn't really like to pick up food with his fingers so I gave him a fork and he really tried to use it!

First time using a fork!
Colson also decided walking was on his agenda today...behind a toy :)  He got brave and started running behind his lion!  He also pushes it sideways to slow down a little bit.

After school I took our new soccer star to her 2nd practice-she did pretty good, after she stopped biting her nails and wandering around the first half of practice!
Silly girl before we left

Busy, busy day and we'll be back at it tomorrow!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Can you hear me now?

About 2 weeks ago Colson had his appointment with the ENT doctor.  Colson did not have an ear infection at the time, but testing showed there was fluid in both ears, his right more so than left (his right ear is always worse with infections).  We did a hearing test too and he can hear just fine, so that was relief.  We decided that we would go ahead and put the tubes in due to how severe his ear infections have been.  Also, cold and flu season is coming quickly, but this should be the time of year that kids are the healthiest.  The doctor ultimately left the decision up to me, so hopefully I made the right one.  Colson and I got up early today and headed into OSF Center for Health.  He couldn't eat in the morning and I was worried that he'd be beastly the hour before surgery, but he was such a good boy!  He was the only baby (there were at least 4 others that I saw) that was crawling all over the waiting room like crazy and throwing the magazines off the table, but hey-he was happy!   In pre-op we put on his gown and little footies and he played with some toys the nurse brought back.

He whimpered a little when the OR nurse took him back, but he was back in my arms within 20 minutes.  He was crying when she brought him in to me, but I gave him a bottle and he started to drift to sleep again.  Then he woke up and was ticked off about the the pulse ox on his toe-he was crying big crocodile tears and pulling as hard as he could.  The nurse finally came back and took it off, then he was consolable at least.  We came home and Cole slept most of the day away.  He was happy when he was awake though and I think it went as best as it could have.  Hopefully this will be the solution to his terrible ear infections-he's been such a trooper and deserves a little break!

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Colson went to his first tractor pull today in Laura.  He really does love tractors :)  He has some John Deere tractor stickers above his changing table.  Each time he's up there, he stands up and hits them and says something that vaguely resembles "tractor"-makes his daddy so proud!  He wasn't scared of the big loud tractors at all, we did put his ear plugs in though.  I'm sure this was the first of many tractor pull outings to come for Cole! 

He didn't like crawling in the dry grass-so he "monkey" walked :)

The kids and I came home in the afternoon and the kids had a little snack.  Don't judge-they were happy and quiet and I didn't let them eat the whole can!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

What did you get into?!

I can't figure it out, maybe somebody else can!  He's into everything so goodness only knows what it was!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

11 months!

Oh my goodness, this little monkey is almost 1!!!

Seriously Colson, please stop growing up-we've had enough now :)  Colson you are a mover!  If you are awake, you are on the move and looking for something to get in to.  The most often used phrase in our house is probably "Colson, NO!"-even Alyvia joins in!  You are getting into everything-you love the DVD player, the DVR and the register covers (you learned they come out of the floor and it's tons of fun).

You have learned lots of new things in the last  month-you can actually crawl now, although you "peg leg crawl" and still army crawl most of the time.  You have learned "So big!" and you look super cute putting your little arms on your head :)  Colson you know how to turn lights off too, such a smart boy!   Your newest word, your only word lately, is "gog".  You are obsessed with the dogs!  You even talk about them in your sleep (seriously).  You yell "gog, gog, gog" whenever you catch a glimpse of them :)  My favorite thing you are doing now is loving on us.  You give kisses-open mouth, tongue out baby kisses.  You also pat momma on the back a lot-just like we pat you.  I just love it so much.  I really can't believe it's been 11 months since we first met you-it seems like yesterday.  We love you so much baby Colson!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Heaven Only Knows...

Sadly, my Grandpa Schindel passed away last night.  He has been a little sick, but his death was somewhat unexpetected.  We haven't had a death in the family in almost 3 years so we've never had to explain anything like this to Alyvia.  I told Alyvia this morning that " Grandpa got very sick and had to go to heaven".  That sparked an all day conversation on death and heaven.  I knew it would, she is so very curious about everything. We didn't press it, but she would randomly ask questions throughout the day, a lot of the time while riding in the car. 

Alyvia is very sensitive.  She was so worried about her Nana, she didn't want Nana to be sad.  She was also worried that Grandma Schindel would be alone.  She is so loving.  I told her that it's o.k. to be sad and that, yes, everyone is sad that Grandpa isn't going to be here anymore.  She then said, "but I won't get to say hi to him anymore".  She gets it. 

We talked about heaven and a lot about Jesus.  Alyvia is concerned about how Grandpa will actually get to heaven.....without wings :)  Alan and I both tried to explain how your "spirit" or your "heart" goes to heaven.  Then Livi asked "How does Jesus get Grandpa's heart?"  It's so hard to explain a concept to a 4 year old.  Especially a concept that I don't actually understand myself-you're a good person, you go to heaven, it just happens, right?  After going round and round, I asked her "Do you think Jesus has wings to help get Grandpa to heaven?"  And she said "Yes, Jesus has wings and he carries people to heaven".  I think that's a nice thought, so that's what we're going with right now. 

I love her innocence, I love her questions, I love her caring heart, I love her.  And my grandpa loved her too, she was his "little buddy".   I like to think we'll all be together- my grandpa Schindel, my grandma & grandpa Snyder, everyone-some day in heaven.....after Jesus carries us there :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Taking the animals to the zoo!

Today, Cheryl and I took the girls and Colson to the zoo.  We had a picnic at the playground first!

Well, we tried but this is what you get from a 4, 3, 2 and (almost) 1 year old!
We then walked over to the zoo.  Reagan and Alyvia had so much fun going thru the zoo together.  They held hands almost the entire time.  Rylie tries to keep up with them too and they are pretty good at including her.  Colson just sat in his stroller and took it all in, he's such a good sport!  We're so happy the Walsh girls are moving back to town!  The girls are (usually) such great friends....and they are cousins as an added bonus! 

Monday, August 8, 2011

Our new favorite toys

This is Colson's favorite toy these days...

He loves to dance to the music!  And this is Alyvia's new favorite toy...

 She loves my iPod (and she's pretty serious about playing, as you can tell)!!  She has a few games on it and she's getting pretty good at Angry Birds :) 

Friday, August 5, 2011


Today with had a play date with LOTS of our friends-12 adults and 19 kids met at the Quirams house to have some fun!  We had pizza, mac n cheese, fruit and crackers for lunch and we played inside while everyone ate.
Laura, CiCi, Dominique, Jen (holding Ethan), Reese and Liz, Macie and Julie, Delaney

Colson and Lawson hanging out
 (poor Emme in the background with her broken arm!)

Lizzie and Alyvia cooking up some trouble!
After lunch we got the kids ready and went outside to play in the pools and on the slip 'n slide!
Alyvia jumping in the pool
Foreground- Makenna, Sienna
Background-James, Sydnie and Jameson

Colson playing with Delaney and Macie Bartlow

Lizzie, CiCi and Alyvia playing in the sand box
Nicole had ice pops and popsicles for the kids too-Cole almost ate an entire popsicle himself! We had lots of fun playing with our friends!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

A pain in the....EAR :)

This little cutie

has been a little sad lately :(


Poor baby has had an ear infection since July 6th!  That's right, for a month now.  He has been on 4 different antibiotics and gotten another antibiotic injection in his thighs.  He just can't kick this ear infection, especially his right ear.  He's such a trooper, most people don't even know he's usually in some sort of pain. We only know because he starts beating the side of his head :(  We now have an appointment to see the ENT on August 17th.  Hopefully, he can get our babe feeling better all the time!   We can't wait to see what he gets into when he feels 100% better!!