After the party, Alyvia and I met Alan and Colson at my cousin Shannon's graduation party. We had fun visiting with family and Alyvia had tons of fun playing Wii Just Dance-she was pretty good at it for a 3 year old! Sunday we made it to church (we were actually early!), went to breakfast with my dad and Chris and to lunch with Alan's family. Then Alan took the kids home and I went to the grocery store, it was CRAZY. I guess that's what I get for going on a weekend when a big snowstorm is expected :) After I got home, Alan and I put away groceries and then we went back to my mom and dad's for dinner. It was so nice to spend time with both families-but we are tired tonight! Colson has been out of sorts today and cried for 20 minutes while I rocked him to sleep. He FINALLY gave in and let himself fall asleep, maybe he'll actually sleep through the night tonight-ha! Poor Alyvia didn't fall asleep until about 9:30. Back to work for me tomorrow, hoping that this snow (12 inches forecasted-yikes!) holds off until Tuesday and is done by Thursday for my work week!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Party, Party
What a busy weekend! Alan's parents kept both kids Friday night so that Alan and I could have a "date night" and get some uninterrupted sleep! We went to dinner at Olive Garden and saw the movie The Dilemma. Dinner was yummy and the movie was pretty good. We got to sleep in Saturday morning until 9:30!!! It was the best :) As soon as Alan brought the kids home, Alyvia and I left to run some errands and go to Jameson's 5th birthday party. First my girl and I went to grab some lunch at McDonalds-her choice! Then we went to Target (where Alyvia got stickers) and Hobby Lobby (where Alyvia got more craft stuff) and finally ended at the Franciscan Center for the party. The theme was Star Wars and although Livi has no idea what that is, she had tons of fun running around in the gym with her friends and then loved the yummy cupcakes!
Friday, January 21, 2011
For My Grandma
How Cute is this Baby Penguin?
And then I faced him and his new penguin pal towards each other-he loved him! He was studying him very closely and then he started talking to him :) It was so cute!
Watch out Wisconsin-
Here comes the Cowsers! This past weekend we went to Wisconsin Dells with the entire Cowser family. It was a jam-packed weekend, but we ended up having a great time. We left Friday morning and headed up caravan style with AB, Kelly & Kinsley in their car and Cheryl, Adam, Reagan and Rylie in Cheryl's Tahoe. We made it to the Chula Vista Resort about 3:30 Friday afternoon. Liz met us there from Chicago, Brian drove from MN and Andy and Carol (PaPaw and MaMaw) drove up later that night. Immediately after we got to the condo Alyvia wanted to change into her swimsuit and hit the indoor water park! We somehow convinced her to wait until after dinner, but then she wasn't taking no for an answer-so to the park we went!
When we got to the resort Alan realized we forgot Colson's bed! We tried to go to Wal-Mart to get him a new one (to rent at the resort was $50!), but it was snowing so bad that evening we decided he could sleep in his car seat. He actually did great! Alyvia on the other hand, had some sort of allergic reaction to the sheets or the detergent. Alan got up with her at 3:30 a.m. and showered her to get whatever it was off of her little itchy legs :( Poor Livi and us didn't get too much sleep that evening. Our family got up Saturday morning and headed to breakfast at the resort-very yummy! When everyone else was up and had eaten, we once again hit the indoor water park with Mamaw and Papaw too this time. We quit in time for lunch and to celebrate Reagan and Rylie's birthdays back in our condo. Half way through the party Alyvia was asking to go back to the water park, so as soon as things were (un) wrapped up (ha, ha, ha) back we went! Alyvia had a blast Saturday afternoon at the water park. Alan and Cheryl took her and Reagan on some bigger kid water slides and they couldn't get enough! I kept Colson pretty much out of the water that day b/c he got so cold Friday when we put him in the pool, poor baby. He was such a good boy though. He's such a happy go-lucky baby most of the time and was able to relax no matter where we were or who was with him. It's so great that he's so laid back (much like his mother, ha ha) and he is cool with whomever is watching him. Alan and I were able to take Alyvia on the slides together while somebody else watched Colson, so fun!
We got up Sunday morning, packed up and hit the road! We made it home that afternoon and then headed to the Bradley game that night (crazy, I know but we have season tickets!). It was a whirlwind weekend, but it was so worth it since Alyvia had such a fun time with her cousins. Much thanks to Cheryl for all the planning that went into the weekend, we all had a great time with the family!
Alyvia ready to go! |
Colson in his 12 mos. size swim trunks! |
Alyvia (3 1/2), Reagan (3) and Rylie (2)
Alan, Reagan, Alyvia and Cheryl |
Saturday night we spent back in the condo watching the Packers game (for Brian and his family) The big girls started to watch a movie, but they both passed out about 15 minutes into it :) Our whole family slept MUCH better Saturday night.
Colson and Kinsley havin' a chat |
Sunday, January 16, 2011
4 months!
Colson you are 4 months old! How time flies. I can't believe a year ago we found out we were pregnant with you and now here you are, a smiling, happy and HEALTHY baby boy!
You are a very laid back baby. You don't care who is holding you, you're just happy to be held. You do LOVE to talk to guys though-you are a "guy's guy" we've decided. You smile so big at your daddy when he talks to you. When we went to your pediatricians appointment, you thought Dr. Galbreath was hilarious (until he started examing you!). You are now 14 lbs and 8 ounces, 40th percentile, and you are 25 1/4 inches long, 66th percentile!! You have had a HUGE growth spurt-from 25th to 66th percentile in length!! No wonder you eat so much (and STILL wake up to eat at night)! Dr. Galbreath said we could start cereal, fruits and vegetables. You LOVE to eat solid food too. We gave you oatmeal and apples for the first time and you did great. Since then you've started squash too and you eat really fast and aren't very sloppy at all!
You sleep better the last month, but still not what I would consider "through the night". You go to bed between 8:30 and 9:30 usually and you sleep great until between 2:30 and 4:00. That's when daddy and I start to get up and re-swaddle you and put your pacifier back in your mouth. Anytime after 5 we usually give in and give you a bottle. Then you go back to sleep until around 7, when you get up and eat again :) It's not too bad-but we wish you would last all the way until 7!!
You "talk" a lot now. You don't really care for tummy time, but we are trying to do it at least once a day for 10-15 minutes or until you start getting really mad. You try to sit up when you are awake and we are holding you. You love to watch Alyvia and follow her voice around the room. She is constant entertainment since she's ALWAYS so busy!
We all love you so much Colson and we love watching your little personality develop!
You are a very laid back baby. You don't care who is holding you, you're just happy to be held. You do LOVE to talk to guys though-you are a "guy's guy" we've decided. You smile so big at your daddy when he talks to you. When we went to your pediatricians appointment, you thought Dr. Galbreath was hilarious (until he started examing you!). You are now 14 lbs and 8 ounces, 40th percentile, and you are 25 1/4 inches long, 66th percentile!! You have had a HUGE growth spurt-from 25th to 66th percentile in length!! No wonder you eat so much (and STILL wake up to eat at night)! Dr. Galbreath said we could start cereal, fruits and vegetables. You LOVE to eat solid food too. We gave you oatmeal and apples for the first time and you did great. Since then you've started squash too and you eat really fast and aren't very sloppy at all!
You sleep better the last month, but still not what I would consider "through the night". You go to bed between 8:30 and 9:30 usually and you sleep great until between 2:30 and 4:00. That's when daddy and I start to get up and re-swaddle you and put your pacifier back in your mouth. Anytime after 5 we usually give in and give you a bottle. Then you go back to sleep until around 7, when you get up and eat again :) It's not too bad-but we wish you would last all the way until 7!!
You "talk" a lot now. You don't really care for tummy time, but we are trying to do it at least once a day for 10-15 minutes or until you start getting really mad. You try to sit up when you are awake and we are holding you. You love to watch Alyvia and follow her voice around the room. She is constant entertainment since she's ALWAYS so busy!
![]() |
Typical Colson face :) He's made those "angry" eyes since he was a newborn! |
We all love you so much Colson and we love watching your little personality develop!
Monday, January 10, 2011
Monkey Joes Fun!
Alyvia, Colson and I picked up Kristin and Elizabeth today and headed to the Quad Cities to go visit Monkey Joes. How much fun did the girls have?! Monkey Joes is a bounce house place that has 7 or so big inflatables and slides for kids to run, jump, climb on. Livi and Lizzie had a blast!
Colson had fun snuggling with Kristin too! After the girls wore themselves out, we went to lunch at Basta, yummy! Then we loaded up in the Envoy (which is a chore with 3 car seats!) and headed home. We had a great day with great friends and we are so thankful to have friends the exact same age to play with!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Just Another Day
We are back into our routine after the holidays. Preschool started up again yesterday. Cole and I took Livi to school this morning and then came back home, where Cole thought it was hilarious when I was working out! After we picked up Livi from school we went to lunch at "Bantis' or Auntvonnies" (according to Alyvia) with Nana, Un Cha, Uncle Shane and Lindsey. Alyvia has been so loving lately. She hugged everyone at lunch and kept telling Nana she missed her-she does that all the time. Whenever I go somewhere, when I get back she always tells me that she missed me. I love that girl so much! After preschool today, she told me how angry the kids made her because they knocked down her tower she was building and then she said "don't worry 'bout it mom". She talks like such an adult sometimes! We occasionally forget that she hears EVERYTHING that we say! Although she can be so sassy at times, she has SUCH a loving little heart and is so open with her emotions. She is my big girl. The other day we were having a disagreement about how she should wear her hair and she told me "Mom, it's o.k. somtimes big girls just want their hair a different way than mommies"-love her :) Colson is getting so big too. He is the happiest baby! He smiles ALL THE TIME! He isn't the best sleeper, but he truely is so happy when he is awake. The only time he fusses is when he's tired and it lasts for maybe 5 minutes until he falls asleep :) We are trying to get him on a schedule, but it's proving difficult. I wish I could stay home with him, but we do need to pay our mortgage. He is FINALLY almost sleeping through the night. He goes to bed around 10 to 11 pm and he gets up usually around 6. We usually have to go in his room and put his pacifier in his mouth around 4 am, but we're getting there. He takes about an hour nap in the morning, in his crib when I'm home, and he's napped for 2-3 hours in the afternoon the past 2 days!! He is "talking" a lot now and coos back when you talk to him. We waited a long time for him and are loving every minute that he's here. We've spent the evening at home, which is rare, and it's been so nice. Livi is in bed and Cole is asleep on his daddy's chest. Now I'm going to relax before heading to bed.
Never say never....
A couple of years ago I said I would never start a blog. Who has time to write about "boring" day to day happenings? But lately, things are so crazy busy that I feel like life is just passing us by. My kids are growing up and I'm not going to remember these days when they were little. So I decided to do it, I'm going to try to blog about our "boring" day to day life so that I can remember all the little things that our kids do to make us smile and laugh on a daily basis
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